Russian Franchise Association

The rankings of the franchise is estimated at more than 30 criteria. Additional points are recorded and analyzed such factors as : age of the company , amount of investment , the dynamics of growth of the network over the past three years , the number of repeated discoveries existing partners , the number of private enterprises , the total number of public enterprises , geographic distribution , the average payback time , etc. As a result, allocated 100 most actively developing franchises in Russia , which , according to the maximum are attractive to investment
RAF represents the interests of the Russian franchise at all levels of government
The Association acts as a bridge linking the stakeholders and consolidates their potential, serves as a permanent forum for the exchange of information and ideas , conducts research .

One of the main goals of the association is to ensure the development of the institution of franchising in Russia , as well as improving the legal and business environment in which entrepreneurs operate .

RAF produces informative publications , conducts seminars, organizes exhibitions and conferences, generates business delegation on franchise exhibitions and important events taking place outside Russia.

RAF is a full member of the World Franchise Council (WFC), has working relationships with major Russian and foreign public organizations of employers .

Head of the Russian Franchise Association (RAF ) president, chairman of the Board of Directors Merab Elashvili (Ben - E ) . Operational management of the next Executive Director Yury Mickle